Edumagicians, you are almost on your way towards being an edumagical teacher! Hopefully, by now, you have spent extended hours observing and interacting in the classroom, intentionally learning from and growing your PLN, and have created and critiqued your digital portfolio. If you haven't done those things yet, take a moment to explore these resources:
The WHAT, the WHY, and the HOW of your PLN
How do I Get a PLN
Do I need a Digital Teaching Portfolio?
3 Steps to Digital Portfolio Success
So you have your PLN, regularly engage in conversations, and your portfolio gets those finishing touches. Now it is time to start thinking about student teaching and getting mentally prepared for senior year, resumes, and interviews. It is EXCITING!!! It is also time to think ahead. You will soon be entering the world of student teaching and job interviews. The preparation starts now, though! You must put yourself out there if you haven't done so already. Get involved in professional development and make your voice heard. Taking the initiative as a preservice teacher to lead and speak can set you apart during the interview process.
Junior year is all about preparing for the upcoming year.
Get involved in your college or university's educational organizations.
Find local conferences to attend while on break.
Write a proposal and speak at a local or larger conference
Attend EdCamps
These experiences now will be great highlights to your resume. Check out these resources for networking and resumes:
Writing Beginning Teacher Resume
Teacher Resume Example
Networking and Job Fairs
Use this year to look ahead and prepare for the next. Think about this question, "What you do now will help set yourself apart when it comes time for interviews?" Brainstorm and document your ideas and share them with #EduMagic.
Get your list of crucial junior education tips in the soon-to-be-published EduMagic Planner. Sign up here to get all the details about its release. In the meantime, check out these tips for education majors and new teachers.
Let your EduMagic Shine!
Hannah Sansom and Sam Fecich