Hi 👋EduMagicians,
During this episode of the EduMagic podcast, I interview Emily Sattler, an online teacher. Emily teaches 7th-grade history for a cyber school. She teaches synchronous lessons every day and follows the traditional school year calendar (for the most part). She shares advice, strategies, and edtech tools that you need to add to your teacher tool belt today!
💡Be sure to check out www.sfecich.com/27 for more resources!

Share your teaching story or journey into teaching and education.
Emily started her undergraduate degree as a K-6 elementary major and minored in Reading and Special education. She struggled to find a job then, so she also took tests to become certified in middle school. Throughout her undergraduate journey, she always thought she would be elementary, but she never would have thought she would teach middle school history online!
Share a favorite teaching moment from your college days
Emily shares a story about how she integrated tech into the rural 2nd-grade classroom. At the time, she had an overhead and one computer in the class. She logged onto a National Geographic ocean cam to see a coral reef during the oceans unit. All the kids had to crowd around the one desktop computer, but she was able to get them thinking about oceans and build that background knowledge.
Advice about the areas of EduMagic
Combining get out and inconceivable together, Emily would have never guessed she would be a cyber educator. When she was in college, she had never HEARD of cyber school (though it did exist). She is still teaching there today, nine years later.
Emily goes on to share some of the go-to edtech resources that she uses in her online classroom. She also shares how she uses these edtech tools to engage students in learning
What is one piece of advice you have for preservice teachers?
Friends, I love how Emily shares, "You don’t have to be perfect all the time! For a long time, I thought I wasn’t a good teacher if everything wasn't perfect. You can be a good teacher and still have a bad or even just a lesson that didn’t go how you pictured it going."
So, now what?
Friends, I encourage you to branch out and try something new. Choose an edtech tool and use it to engage students in new ways. Be sure to check out www.sfecich.com/27 for more resources!