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How I survived being an education major in 2020 guest post by Helen Gomez

Updated: Aug 3, 2023

Someone recently asked me how I was doing. It was a simple question, but it feels like forever since someone genuinely asked me that. So I thought to myself, I mean, I was doing well because I felt that way.

Between the heftiness of being a full-time student in her senior year, Clinical I student teaching, and a part-time job, I feel like I am always on a time crunch. I try to dedicate Saturdays as a screen-free day, but I have a class in the morning. I recently read a post that said something like the grade does not define you. It helped me take a step back and not be too hard on myself when things do not go as planned.

To stay sane during this pandemic, I've had to learn to put so much pressure on myself. Time management skills have helped me manage such a busy schedule. Using a physical agenda book and prioritizing tasks work best for me.

When I cross out assignments, the action helps me stay motivated to complete my work. I also make sure to give myself enough time to complete lengthier tasks by reducing my time on social media.

I've noticed that the less time I spend on my phone, the more I can dedicate to producing quality work. I have also limited my work hours after conversing with my supervisor. She was very understanding. I appreciate her. This is a sacrifice sometimes, but I would be all over the place if I didn't support myself. One more thing I learned is that it's ok to say no. Saying no to events that would take away from my education is key to effectively managing your time. While the goal isn't to cut your social life off, you may want to reconsider leaving assignments such as lesson plans for the night before they are due. Those are some ways I have survived as a 21-century education major in training!

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