Hi EduMagicians,
I am excited to share some tips for creating, maintaining, and promoting your teacher blog. Remember, friends, you have the EduMagic in you, and even as you are studying to be an educator of excellence, you have ideas and strategies to share with the world - why not share them on a blog?

So, let's start with the obvious question, what is a blog?
A blog, in my opinion, is a space where you can document your learning, ideas, lessons, and reflections with the world. There are no word or length requirements. They can include images, videos, links, and more. Blogs can be written in any style as you see fit. My one piece of advice is to be authentically you! For example, when I write my posts, I like to think that I am writing to one person and that we are sitting down and discussing the topic.

Where do I start?
Ok, maybe by now you are thinking, "Yes! I can do this!" You are pumped for your blog and are ready to roll. But, how do you start? Where do you start? These are both great questions. First, you must get a free, user-friendly platform to host your blog. I recommend any of these tools, but you need to find one that fits your needs and style. Try a few out and see what best suits you.

Now what?
You found a platform you enjoy, and you are gettin' the hang of it. So, now, what do you do? First, create a list of ideas that you want to post about. Then add to that list as you can - I like to have a list on Google Keep or Microsoft To-Do. As ideas come to mind, I can document them on the app or on my laptop.
As your first post, I would recommend an introduction post. Consider thinking about who your ideal blog reader is going to be. For me, I like to write to the future and new teachers. As you begin to write your first post, you can share all about yourself and introduce yourself to your reader. Consider adding information such as:
Name (obviously)
Why did you want to be a teacher, or why you chose the teaching profession
Your teaching story
Learning takeaways from classes, professional development, etc.
Social media connections
Once you have a list of ideas, try scheduling them out and decide when you will post. Are you going to post daily, weekly, or monthly? If you are starting, I recommend sticking to a weekly schedule. With some of the tools listed above, you can schedule blog posts, which makes it handy!

How do I get the word out?
Once you have your blog up and running, get the word out there! Share it on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. As you write a post, share it with hashtags, images, gifs, etc. Spread it far and wide. Here are some tips for getting the word out
Create a Pinterest board featuring your content
Add your blog as a link to your bio for social media
As you post to share the link out
Post your blog message on linked-in articles for more eyes on your work