Teachers must adhere to state standards, be professional, engage students in learning, and create an environment that promotes learning. But, what makes a successful educator different? Do you know who I'm talking about? Those educators are on the cutting edge in their classrooms. Do you want to know their secret?
A successful educator is a connected educator. Being a connected educator is critical today.
Every teacher needs an understanding of the power of a Professional Learning Network (PLN) in their basket of educational goodies. A PLN is a group of educators you connect with to share ideas. Think of social media as professional development on demand. It is on anytime and anywhere. You can access it at your own pace and focus on specific aspects you want to learn about. It is personalized just for you and your needs. You can ask questions, get ideas, share resources, and implement and try out strategies with teachers worldwide. My PLN is a dynamic resource I use daily to inform my practice. By being connected, I have my finger on the pulse of educational technology – understanding what is being used successfully in classrooms. My PLN drives me to be a better educator for my students. Don't become an island of 1 in your school. There are many forms of social media to connect with other educators.
Happy pinning! Let's connect on Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/sfecich.
Check out some of my boards here:
https://pin.it/LsbUG2a - EduMagic Podcast
https://pin.it/42YxqkR - EduMagic
Pinterest is not just a space for recipes, DIY projects, or life hacks. It is a great space to gain knowledge and access more materials for you to use in your classroom. It is also a way for you to collaborate and connect with other educators. Some features include
Engaging photography
Connect with others
Visually share information
How can you use it in your classroom?
Collect resources
The new and improved bookmarks or trapper keeper
Organize ideas by themes/boards
Collaborate with others
Get ideas
Get inspired
Connect with other educators
If you enjoyed this episode, please tag me @SFecich on Instagram. Check out the books EduMagic: A Guide for Preservice Teachers, EduMagic Shine On A Guide for New Teachers, and get your semester ready with the EduMagic Future Teacher Digital planner. Want to get started with your digital portfolio? Check out this self-paced, mini-course digital portfolio from scratch in one week or less. Find these and more resources for future teachers at www.sfecich.com.
Remember you have the #EduMagic in YOU!