Hi EduMagicians,
This episode shares advice from outstanding educators, stakeholders, and administrators nationwide. I created this compilation episode to share advice and tips to help you during your student teaching placement. I wanted to share ideas from educators to help you during student teaching. Provide you with some encouragement, support, and tips along the way. So, let's jump right in!
Hannah J. Sansom
Take the initiative!
Go above and beyond. Don't be afraid to step out and help out.
Have a listening ear and ask questions often.
Dene Gainey
Bring all of yourself to the classroom.
Offer more to your students through encouragement and support.
Brent Coley
Online social media presence that highlights you as an educator of excellence.
It shows that you are going the extra mile!
Showcase your learning!
For more information about the power of Twitter, check out: 3 lies future teachers believe about Twitter.
Rae Hughart
Step out of the box.
Ask questions!
Soak in the opportunity to ask more questions.
Ask beyond classroom lessons and structure to remember all those domains and everything that goes into teaching effectively.
Dr. Amy Heger
You are not going to get it perfect, and that is OK!
Help students engage in content that fits their needs and areas of strengths.
Find ways to connect with your learners and build bonds with your students.
Incorporate relevant content and interest into your lessons
Student teaching is still PRACTICE!
Adam Welcome
Ask questions, then ask more, listen, then chat.
Observe other educators at the school.
Get connected on Twitter! NOW!
For more information about connecting, check out three reasons you need a PLN.
Friends, you got this. Take these tips and advice into your student teaching, and I know that you will be able to enjoy the learning experience even more. Don't forget to check out www.sfecich.com/19 for a PDF on how to get in touch with these education game-changers! Remember, you have the EduMagic in you!