Welcome back, EduMagicians. Today, I with me Dr. Sara Heintzelman, an instructional technology specialist, and former special education teacher. She is also an adjunct professor who teaches instructional design for K-12 educators. We met a few years ago at KTI 2018 Star Summit in Pa and became fast friends. We are discussing tips for particular education majors in this episode. This episode has a freebie too - Freebie alert - Field observation form.
Here we go!
Episode takeaways
Students with emotional needs respond to technology, direct instruction, and active engagement.
Visit many different kinds of special education classrooms - a variety of LREs!
Observe with intention and a plan!
Write down any acronyms you have, build a list now and keep adding to it. Look it up and ask about it.
Review the school board minutes when you are in school for observation, fieldwork, or student teaching!
Document your learning along the way through written work, pictures, journals, or reflecting.
Keep learning and keep growing!
Make the most of your summers through volunteer work and work in the field
You want to have choices when you graduate
Get diverse experiences!
Resources mentioned in this episode
https://www.parentcenterhub.org/acronyms/ and https://dpi.wi.gov/sped/about/acronyms - list of special education acronyms you may want to save this page so you can be successful in conversation and an interview!
Connect with Dr. Heintzelman
She is a technology integration specialist, presenter, learner, & adjunct professor.
If you love this episode, please tag me @SFecich on social media and share! Check out the books EduMagic: A Guide for Preservice Teachers, EduMagic Shine On A Guide for New Teachers, and get your semester ready with the EduMagic Future Teacher Digital planner. Want to get started with your digital portfolio? Check out this self-paced, mini-course digital portfolio from scratch in one week or less. Find these and more resources for future teachers at www.sfecich.com. Remember you have the #EduMagic in YOU!