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Sophomore Year: The Year to Get Serious

Updated: Oct 12, 2022

The year that you are no longer a freshman, but it’s THE year: the year to get serious about your field. For many, sophomore year is the defining year. For example, Hannah Sansom was not even “officially” accepted into the education department until the end of sophomore year, when prerequisites and GPAs were met. Sophomore year is the year to get down to business!

Observe, observe, observe. Become a sponge and soak it all in! What I mean by this is focusing on classes where you go out into classrooms and work with students. These courses are critical when it comes to teacher training. Friends, don’t wait until you have a course with a field component to get out there and work with children to do it now (as long as you have all of your clearances). During your first year, get out and observe in classes related to your area of concentration. These early experiences of observation and teaching mini-lessons can help you decide if teaching is for you. Often these learning experiences can confirm within your heart that I want to be an educator of excellence, or maybe teaching isn’t for me - I need to explore this more.

So, how to take it all in, and what do I do with all that knowledge? Start by growing your PLN (professional learning network). These are the people that you turn to share resources, bounce ideas, and learn.

The next step you must take as a sophomore is to get serious with your digital portfolio. This is the home of your trophy case for those preservice years. Remember that your digital portfolio is always in process and shows your progress in the area of education. Highlight your experiences, lessons, and professional development. Some colleges mandate students to build such a portfolio as a requirement of educational technology courses. Don’t panic if you are not required to do so! Digital portfolios do not have to be daunting!

Engaging with your PLN and kickstarting your digital portfolio are two significant initiatives during this second year of college. Get your list of crucial sophomore education tips in the soon-to-be-published EduMagic Planner. Check out this podcast on Taking the Lead in Your Learning.

You have the EduMagic in YOU!

Hannah Sansom and Sam Fecich

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