Hey, new teachers, are you feeling overwhelmed this year? Are you hoping to finish the semester strong? Listen in on this episode featuring Kim Lepre, where she gives some advice for new first-year teachers. During this chat, Kim Lepre shares her teaching journey from music major to current English teacher and everything in between. She shares her love and passion for supporting new teachers in the field. Kim is a leader in the area of supporting new teachers. She shares advice and tangible tips for beginning educators.
Here are some tips shared:
Remember your why
Don't compare yourself to others.
It's not about controlling kids - it's about ENGAGING students
Get into a routine and schedule all of your time
Be purposeful with your time
Be there for your students
Start with relationships
Rethink curriculum and pacing (what is crucial?)
Rethink how you engage with your students online
Get connected with other teachers online
Connect with Kim
On Instagram
https://teachersneedteachers.com/ and check out her fantastic podcast!