Welcome back, edumagicians! Today I have a fellow Education Podcast Network (EPN) host with me on the show - Gretchen Bridgers from Always a Lesson. During this episode, Gretchen shares her teaching story and how her passion for new teachers began to bloom. I love how she shares, "I fell in love with teaching teachers." Gretchen is the new teacher coach she wished she had when she was a beginning teacher. Her story is powerful, and I am excited to share it with you!
Give this episode a listen, and after this show, you will learn five ideas for new and student teachers. Here they are:
It's ok to dream as a teacher.
Teachers are lifelong learners - PD is customized for you and how to find your PD plan as a new teacher.
As a student-teacher during COVID, embrace this opportunity to learn and grow.
There are a variety of learning paths - passive and action-oriented learning opportunities.
Be a leader in your student teaching experience - inquire about opportunities to lead in small and large ways in the classroom. It will grow - show up and lead.

If you love this episode, please tag me @SFecich on social media and share! Check out the books EduMagic: A Guide for Preservice Teachers, EduMagic Shine On A Guide for New Teachers, and get your semester ready with the EduMagic Future Teacher Digital planner. Want to get started with your digital portfolio? Check out this self-paced, mini-course digital portfolio from scratch in one week or less. Find these and more resources for future teachers at www.sfecich.com.
Remember you have the #EduMagic in YOU!