Okay, student teaching is right around the corner and you may be asking yourself, “What should I have in my student teaching binder?” I get this question every year around this time and I am here to share with you some of my go to areas for a student teacher binder.

Sections or pages to include in your student-teacher binder
Contact information for your cooperating teacher and college supervisor
Class roster and annotated seating chart - for each period that you teach with start/end times for each period
School schedule
Calendar -Monthly. Weekly, Daily
Standards for the subject areas in which you will teach - Common Core or state standards
Lesson plans are separated for each subject area, and a place to reflect
Big ideas for each domain - planning and prep, instruction, classroom environment, and professional development
Professional development log
Procedures – as you observe and or ask your cooperating teacher to document common classroom procedures
Take and submit attendance
Student is tardy
Take and submit lunch count
Late papers
How students enter and exit the classroom
How students line up to leave
Fire drill
Emergency card location
Where they hand in their homework
Bathroom policy
If they finish work early
For more information about classroom procedures check out
Friends, this is not by any means an exhaustive list of must-haves for your student teaching binder—it's just something to get you started.
Remember, you have the EduMagic in YOU!