You are in luck. Today, I have Elizabeth Soslau, who co-wrote a book titled The Comprehensive Guide to Working With Student Teachers: Tools and Templates to Support Reflective Professional Growth with Monique Alexander. It is so much more than a book. It is a guide complete with templates, tools, and protocols! You will learn a lot from this impactful and empowering interview for student teachers, co-ops, and college supervisors. After Elizabeth shares her teaching story with us, we dive into the world of working with student teachers. We agree that working with student teachers is a great experience because of their passion and drive to impact students.
Tips for student teachers
Ensure you understand WHY you should mimic your co-op, not just what s/he/they do. Explore the invisible reasoning behind a teacher's use of a strategy, tool, or technique, and ask questions!
Take time to get to know the community you will be teaching in.
What resources are available to you?
You can go beyond textbooks! Choose strategies and resources that are appropriate for your learners.
The best teachers aren't born. They're trained.
Experience doesn't make you better! We've all had teachers in the field for a while, so we know this myth isn't true. A systematic approach to reflection helps you become a better and more effective teacher.
Build relationships with your students by learning about them
Lesson planning resources based on culturally relevant pedagogies
Tips for teacher educators, co-ops, and supervisor
Analyze student work to determine if the class was successful
Observe and assess the success of the lesson through the work of the students
Make your student teacher feel welcome and part of the classroom community.
Ask questions and provide support to teacher candidates frequently and informally.
Discuss grading teacher candidates - scores are not grades—they are for learning and practice.
Co-ops let go - let the candidate find their voice, style, and strategy in the classroom.
Resources mentioned in the show.
Learning for justice -
Facing ourselves facing history -
Connect with Elizabeth