Hi EduMagicians,
It's the most beautiful (stressful, anxious, and fun) time of the year—it's interview season! In honor of teaching interview season, I am dropping two bonus podcast episodes about teaching interviews this week! This is an audio version of the Instagram live I hosted with Candace Green based on our course Interview 101—Teaching Edition.
We walk through the course and what you can find in it:

Where do I look for a job?
How do you research a school? What does it mean? What do you need to look for?
Application tips
Resume and cover letter strategies
Common interview questions
Mindset interview ready
Handwritten thank you letter tips
Some specific takeaways that I had throughout our conversation include the importance of the demonstration interview and the live teaching interview being student-centered, the power of asking questions after the interview, and the importance of following up like an educator of excellence.
During this interview live, we share tips for
During your second round interview, make sure your lesson is student-driven
When you are doing a teaching demo
Where are students in their scope and sequence?
What are the grade level and subject areas?
Where are students in their content?
Differentiation strategies?
Level of the students?
Questions to ask the interviewer
Please don't ask questions that you can find online on their site!
Engage them in conversation.
Ask a question about the interviewer or panel: What is your favorite thing about working at this school?
What advice do you have for a brand-new teacher?
Say, Thank you!
Get the names of the interviewers and send out a thank you letter
Use it as a follow-up piece
Make it personal
Get it out in the mail the same day
Get this freebie is full of teaching goodies - interview roadmap, resume hacks, and 5 common interview questions.
This is just a sample of the interview goodies that you can find in the Interview 101 teaching edition course.